Question from Carlota : when do you think we will be able to party again?
We live in one of the most uncertain periods of our lifetime so I cannot really answer this question. However, what comes to mind is Prince's 1999 song «2000, zero, zero, party over, oops, out of time, so tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 1999».
Q1) How did you start your day today?
Today, I woke up on this Sunday morning and felt a bit too lazy to go out for a run, so I sat on the couch and watched the first episode of Steve McQueen’s tv series, Small Axe about the British West Indies experiences.
Q2) Do you have any morning rituals?
I turn on the radio to listen to 'France Inter' morning news, then remain in bed for at least one hour checking from time to time what I’ve missed on twitter, no meditation pure laziness except when I wake up and go out for a run two to three times a week.
Q3) What music did you choose to listen to today?
This morning I kept on listening to an album recommended by a radio producer, an old album from Gil Scott-Heron and Brian Jackson called 1980, an observation on the state of America as it advances into a new and uncertain decade, which draws a perfect parallel with today’s situation.

Q4) What was the last thing that made you happy ?
I don’t know, maybe dancing on my own to Moloko’s ‘I cannot contain this’, or when my puppy jumped up next to me on the bed and fell asleep.
Q5) Where is the best place you've travelled to and why?
First choice would definitely be Bali probably because it was my first trip to Indonesia and that part of the world. I first went there after the terrorist attack in 2002, and found heaven on earth, especially in Uluwatu. I loved the culture, the food, the people, the nature, well it’s simply a fantastic place to visit.
Q6) What's your current obsession?
Working on my own label. I’ve been dreaming about it since I was a child and even though I had the chance to work my whole life in the music industry, I never grasped the nettle. Now, it’s all set up and I’m acting as an ‘artisan’, getting in touch with key media all around the world via twitter/e-mail/Instagram to develop my first signing, it’s pretty motivating and quite enjoyable.
Q7) Who would be your ideal dinner guest and why?
Tough one, possibly a well-known photographer like Bruce Davidson, Raymond Depardon or a more contemporary one as David Lachapelle. I have a lot of respect for artists, and pretty passionate about photography so I would love to know more about things that drive their work.

Q8) What is your ideal holiday?
South Korea in a village somewhere, lost in translation, by the sea, maybe on Jeju Island.
Q9) What life skills are rarely taught but extremely useful?
Maybe self-awareness building skills which could definitely be useful to get more confident and in a way more creative.
Q10) One word to describe yourself?
Q11) Which question do you want to ask the next person?
Pick one photograph and explain why?
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