Question from Akiko to Timothée : If you had one super power, what would it be and why?
I would like to be able to fly and see the world from above.
1) How did you start your day today?
Today was a beautiful day, I woke up, managed to find the motivation to put on some summer sportswear in -1°Celsius and left for an hour run before starting the day at the office…
2) Do you have any morning rituals?
When I’m with my wife and son, the mornings are often the same: fight in bed, roll to the kitchen do push-ups make toast and finally turn on some music loud enough to annoy the neighbors and introduce some new music to our son where we dance and sing for a good 10min. Then it's the battle to get dressed.
3) What music would you choose for the day today and why?
Today I chose to listen to gospel music, I was in a good mood the sun was shining and I decided to take a stroll, singing away down the street.

4) What made you happy the last time?
It would have to be last Wednesday, shooting with incredible Masa and Pierre and my new pair of Pyla lagoon. What I am now really looking forward to is their new model called “Atlantique”, which will also exist in yellow. I love yellow sneakers.
5) Where is the best place you've been and why?
It’s difficult to name the best place because it depends on the mood of the moment, what passions one has. With my job, I have access to a lot of restaurants, bars, luxury hotels, I meet very beautiful people who have a lot to share. But when I’m in the mountains, I’m also in my element and I can escape everything.
6) Your current obsession?
I'm currently building a wine cellar, so at the moment I can't prevent being too emotional when I visit winegrowers.
7) Who would be your ideal dinner guest and why?
At the moment I would say a winemaker from an estate that I admire because, as mentioned above, it is about my current obsession and I would like to be able to talk about it for hours at the table.

8) What relaxes you?
Going for a 100km bike ride, where I get tired enough to take the perfect nap while listening to some chillout music.
9) What skills rarely taught would be extremely useful in everyday life?
Counting cards in blackjack, with lockdown it would be easy money.
10) A word to describe you?
Zen, crazy, epicurean, filled with love.
11) What question would you like to ask the next person?
Do you know what Timothée means? and if not, what would be your definition?
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