Question Thibaut: If you had only 24 hours left to live, what would you do?
I would blow all my money on a submarine and gather all my beloved friends and share every last moments in the deep, dark, abyss of the ocean. We would party excessively without limits and pay no attention to the impending doom! Within minutes before the end, I would burst open the hatch and let myself flow free with the underworld sea life... Watch out for the splash!
Q1) How did you start your day today?
I opened my sleep recorder app which records the conversations I make while I sleep. It amuses me to hear myself give very clear, meaningful directions followed by my mumbling incomprehensible sentences. It fascinates me to know that we have a parallel universe at night full of total inconsistent chit chat.
Q2) Do you have any morning rituals?
I rely heavily on the blue light of my phone to wake up the last sleeping cells of my brain. I then mechanically go to the kitchen and ritually make scrambled eggs. I am not a morning person so the prospect of eating eggs cheers me up.
Q3) What music did you choose to listen to today?
Nils Frahm - "Hammers"
It is a hectic piano piece which I manage to never get bored of. The composer mixes classical and techno sounds. It gives music a deep dimension but also makes it very contemporary. I love this hybrid influence.
Q4) What was the last thing that made you happy ?
Listening to "Hammers" hectic piano piece and a gaze. A simple gaze from someone made me feel happy and loved.
Q5) Where is the best place you've travelled to and why?
Egypt. Some friends and I visited Cairo. The city was insanely magical. On the one hand, you have the excitment of the modern city and on the other, you feel the weight of history's millennia. What I loved was the immensity of the Pyramids even when taking photos, the lense had no scope wide enough to fit them in. Our 5-day trip down the Nile was just breathtaking. The landscapes and monuments were amazing, and the mythology is unbelievable. I love the fact that ancient Egyptians believed that the sun was born every day on the east of the Nile and died each evening on the West, reserving one side of the shore to life and the other to death.
Q6) What's your current obsession?
Having a piano. I have one at my parent's in Ciboure close to St Jean de Luz, in the South West of France. I only go there 2 to 3 times a year. I wish I could take it with me but it's too big and heavy for parisian flats.
And guess what... listening to a hectic piano piece which I don’t manage to get bored of.
Q7) Who would be your ideal dinner guest and why?
Leonardo da Vinci.
Because it is impossible. I love the idea of meeting with someone from another century. I would ask him what it would be like to live in his century and what his day to day life consisted of. I'd like to show paintings of contemporary artists and make him guess who would be the most famous ones. It would be fascinating to exchange with Mr Da Vinci how the world has evolved today and see his reaction. I am sure we would have a great time together.

Q8) What is your ideal holiday?
Holidays with friends, with some sun and some food. All of these together. I would love to go to a remote Island in the Greek seas, live in a lush house for days and think of nothing but food and having a fun time with friends.
Q9) What life skills are rarely taught but extremely useful?
Considering the pedestrian flow around you in some Paris streets, learning how to walk at the right speed would be extremely useful. More seriously, I would love to teach others to be more aware of people around them. Open their eyes, communicate and be open minded.
Q10) One word to describe your self?
Kind and rebel.
Q11) Which question do you want to ask the next person?
If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
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