Question from Pierre...What is your favorite movie?
The Double by Richard Ayoade. The main character, Jesse Eisenberg, is not in control of his life and his double comes and replaces him without his consent. He will have to fight against this "best version of himself" to redefine his place. I love the retro futuristic atmosphere of the movie. You vibrate all along the movie with the character. Martin Beresford's music is great. The deco and lighting are amazing. I have not seen any movie like this before. I love the poetic and dramatic way Richard Ayoade directed the film and character. My interpretation of the movie is that you can see the better version of yourself and decide what you want to do with it.
1) How did you start your day today?
I got up, stretched and did boxing and muscle training with my brother. Once we worked out, we told each other some jokes, we laughed and had a good time. Working out and laughing are for me the best recipes to feel good simply. I then made a few phone calls to my friends. The early morning for me sets the tone for the rest of the day. So I start it as best as I can.
2) Do you have any morning rituals?
Working out as soon as I wake up, with an empty stomach to energise myself and calling my friends.
3) Which music do you choose for today?
Chilled electro, like "Petit Biscuit". It is simple, provides nice energy whilst chilling and relaxing. As I tend to be hyper active, this is the perfect balance to feel I am in harmony between positive energy and relaxation.

4) What made you happy last time?
Well, two things come to my mind. One linked to a past event and the other to my imagination and vision of the future.
As far as the past event is concerned, I was recently on stage dancing with Luna Peigné, my partner in Courbevoie and Anglet with 3eme étage. The room was half full due to sanitary measures, but we could strongly feel the emotion and the happiness from the public. Now that we have taken full conscience and understanding that it could be the last time we do a show. More than ever, there is a real communion between the public and all the dancers. I felt I was so lucky to be back on stage again. It was great to share these emotions and all the more when I went to Anglet, my beloved region.
I also have a very strong imagination and vision of the future. I was happy dreaming on working with my friends on specific projects, amongst them with 2 two founders of Timothée Paris. The vision of working together with my friends makes me very happy.
5) Where is the best place you have been and why?
2 things come to my mind:
When it comes to creation & creativity : at my parent's house, in Bourges, in the centre of France, in my childhood bedroom, I feel at peace, as if the time had suddenly stopped, where the rush and all the outside noises as well as my inside noises have become silent. I can feel relaxed and think witout hindrance.
When it comes to recharging my batteries, I love going to Biarritz, surfing, enjoying great food and atmosphere. Biarritz is also the city where I made the decision to become a professional dancer when I was invited at the local annual summer workshop when I was 9 years old. It is also in this city that I have been very much in love. Biarritz is a very special place for me.
6) Your current obsession?
Freedom..... When I am on stage and I dance, I feel I can fly and let go, and give myself feeling naked to share the freedom with the public. I also like feel free when I collaborate on new project and can express the way I would like things to be.
7) Who would be your ideal dinner guest and why?
I would love to dine with Love. I am in love with Love. I am a passionate romantic and an idealist. So as long as I share strong emotions with my friends and hopefully soon with the woman of my life.
8) What is your ideal holiday?
Once more, two things are coming to my mind.
By the sea, Biarritz of course or in a sunny location in a large villa with an overflowing swimming pool.
Or in the mountains in winter, under the snow in an immense chalet, where we would ski during the day, and at night eat fondue or raclette or drink hot chocolate on a huge cosy sofa with fluffy cushions, play board games and watch movies.
All this with my best friends and maybe, if I find her one day, my soul mate

In this story, Francois is wearing PYLA Storm.
9) What life skills are rarely taught but extremely useful?
Psychology and the art of communicating clearly what you feel. In the current French educational system, I think that topics are limited to classical tangible subjects (maths, science, history...).
I wish that subjects which are more related to the way we feel, not "palpable", could also be taught.
I think it helps understand better who we are before tring to understand things around us.
10) One word to describe your self?
As it seems that my ideas always come by 2 together, I will choose two words. Excessive dreamer. Why make a short d escription when you can develop it and make it last forever. In life, there is always 2 parts. Each word, each situation has its dark and light side.
11) Which question do you want to ask the next person?
What gives meaning to your life and why?
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